In Indonesia there are many problems begun the terrorism till cream, while Indonesia become the poor country in shout East Asia. Actually our government lave difficult for solving Indonesia country programs, why? Because of continuing the programs while the others are not finished yet. From old generation to the young generation can't improve society-problem one of them hungers, poverty act. Let's think of our government for example Mega Wait's period; ever sell Indonesian's indosat and also Susilo Bambang Yudoyono (SBY) not so far from Mega wati's period.

In this period of SBY there are many oranges country intervite Indonesian country, especially American country. When Abu Bakar Ba`asyir got the punishment from our country before America ask to mega Wati for catching and giving him to America. Our government if cannot improve our country, Indonesian society step by step will be deceived by foreign country. We are as young generation of our country we must be patient that we must step for blocking our country from foreign country's aggression, like America and English.

Foreign people, like Unmoslem people can't aggression by frankly aggression because in Indonesian country there are many teachers of Islam, if they have problem they submit to Allah by their prayer so that non Moslem can't be attacked by bad mission culture, so that Indonesia has title of "terrorism porous" that technical term from United state of America.

If we think about that technical term of America succeed scatter his bad mission to country we live in Indonesia must be able to became useful person especially in our village, can filter our society from foreign people's bad missions.


Everything in this world must be created beneficall to other creatures. Here one of them:

" You are desire able to utilize or to make use of two kinds of potions as medicine; Honey and Holy Qur'an"

It's combined humanly medicine and god's, spiritual and physical therapy, the medicine that has a soil element and and extraordinary element.

Honey is unresticted or unlimited for concumtion of food material only (jam or sweetener), but also as a preventative againts for all kinds of deseases or ilness.

It will be very usefull for us (Human being) if we can imagine or thinkfully about the bee-life; the invironment, the house, gatherness in doing something, leadership and etc as like:

- Why the house of bee is in a mountain, tree or sometimes in the house of human.
- The livelihood.
- They live in a croud condition every day, but they never strike each other.
- There is only a leader/ captein on the group.
- Reproduction system

And your lord inspired the bee, saying: "take you habitations in the mountains in the trees and in what they erect.( An-Nahl:68)

"Then eat of all fruits, and follow the ways of your lord made easy (for you)." There comes forth from their bellies, a drink of varying co lour wherein is healing for men. Verily, in this is indeed a sign for people who think. (An-Nahl: 69)

Our prophet Muhammad SAW said "Who ever drinks or skims three times (of spoon) of honey three days a month, he will not get a severe ilness". Honey can protect the body from many kind of ilness.

Ibnu Qoyyim said, that interpreted in to indonesian language "kedokteran ala Nabi memang berbeda dengan ilmu medis para dokter pada umumnya. Kedokteran Nabi bersifat pasti dan absolut serta bernilai kedokteran ilahi, berasal dari wahyu dari lentera kenabian serta kesempurnaan intelegensi. Sementara kedokteran lain kebanyakan bersifat diaknosis, perkiraan dan eksperimen belaka. Memang tidak disangka, banyak sekali orang yang tidak mampu memanfaatkan kedokteran ala Nabi ini. Penyebabnya adalah bahwa kedokteran Nabi hanya bisa dimanfaatkan bila disertai dengan keyakinan dan sugesti terhadap kesembuhan serta mengoptimalkan penggunaannya dengan iman dan kepasrahan".

Medication, physical therapy, beauty care are the merits of honey.

The former and famouse scientist; Hypocrates, aristoteles, and Ibnu sina expressed that honey has a unique feature to increas or to develop the body health prevention of human being, to keep in hale and hearty condition as well as to stay young. It's recommended to be consumed by the body.

And for the sufferer of insomnia, a spoon of honey when she or he wants to sleep regularly will help them to calm their feeling or thought. So, they will be very easy sleeping.

Honey also has a light antibiotic capacity. So that, it is always used to cure the burn that is closed or bandaged,cleaned, and applied a compress with water; blue face; as disinfectant for the mouth of human and the membrane of phlegm.

Holy Qur'an is as a soul (source) of life-solution of human being. There include much kind of people problems and the solution as well. It explain about faith, right, history and etc.

Our hearts will find rest in the remembrance of Allah Swt, verily, in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest.

Let's read the holy quran, take the meaning, and implement in the day-life. Our hearts will find rest, insyaAllah (god willing).

Ya…. Bright Bulletin lovers !, the important thing to know, to do here (panacea for all ills) is how to use, consume, implement the two (honey and al-quran) of panaceas in our life as well/accurate as possible. We must thank unto our god ALLAH SWT who gives many benefial things for us.